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Our Story

Feathers & Arrows was born in the summer of 2018. I was nannying two delightful children who were playing a game of cowboys and Indians.  Feathers were floating and arrows were flying through the air and I was captured by the simplicity and beauty of free play.  


I have long had a heart to explore and encourage new ways of educating children. A love of nature and creative expression has developed an array of resources and experiences for children to explore their own limits and forms of expression whilst experiencing the freedom and joy of the world around them.

I have been a home educator and tutor for almost 10 years and in that time have dipped in and out of various educational philosophies and methods.  Over time I have combined this study with my own hands on experience of working as a nanny, childminder and children and families worker.


A huge part of the future of Feathers & Arrows is to try and build an early years setting based out of a working farm environment where Early Years focus points can be met through an immersive and hands on experience growing food, rearing animals and using by products to create new things.  We all see the need to love and care for our planet and by nurturing and educating the next generation to be respectful and compassionate in their choices we can create a better world for everyone.



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